Planning your Programs

How to design, build, manage, and improv your Programs.
Written by Jeff Barson
Updated 1 year ago

Phase 1: Designing your Program

The first step in creating your program is to think carefully about what it should accomplish. During this phase, you'll need to decide what should trigger your program to run, when to add patients to the program, and what outcome or end state you're trying to achieve. You'll also need to determine if you should use a single program or multiple programs. Keep in mind that you can continually improve your program, so don't worry about making it perfect before you start.

  1. Define program goals: In this task, you'll define the goals of your program. You should think about the desired outcome, who the program is for, and how it will benefit patients.

  2. Develop program structure: Here, you'll decide how your program will be structured. You'll need to decide what questions to ask patients, what assessments to use, and what actions to take based on their responses.

  3. Determine program components: In this task, you'll decide what components to use in your program. Storyline provides many different components, including questions, assessments, video, and engagement tools. You'll need to decide which components will work best for your program.

  4. Determine program flow: This task is about determining how patients will move through your program. You'll need to decide what happens after each question, assessment, or action.

Phase 2: Building your Program

Once you have a plan for your program, it's time to start building it. During this phase, you'll use Storyline to create your program and add any necessary components.

  1. Create program in Storyline: Here, you'll use the Storyline platform to create your program. You'll be able to select different components, add questions and assessments, and create branching logic.

  2. Create program sessions: Sessions can be one-time or recurring and can be scheduled with any length of time between individual sessions. They can be directed sessions, which are initiated inside the clinic, or regular sessions, which are taken at home.

  3. Add program components: In this task, you'll add the components you selected in Phase 1 to your program. You'll be able to use Storyline's library components, which include ready-made programs, sessions, templates, integrations, engagement tools, and assessments.

Phase 3: Adding People to Your Program

The next step is to add people to your program. During this phase, you'll need to decide how to add patients to your program and how to communicate with them.

  1. Add patients manually: You can add patients to your program manually by having your staff do it.

  2. Use Openstory to add patients: Openstory is a way for patients to self-register using a unique URL or QR code. This is perfect for programs where you want them to run but you don't know the patients or people who will join the program yet.

  3. Monitor program participation: You'll need to monitor program participation to ensure that patients are completing the program. You can use Storyline's Queue page to view patients' responses, the Waiting Room for live telemedicine sessions, and the Dashboard to set up individual workflows.

Phase 4: Running your Program

The final step is to run your program. During this phase, you'll monitor your program to ensure that it's running smoothly and make any necessary changes to improve it.

  1. Monitor program results and outcomes: You'll need to monitor program results and outcomes to determine if your program is effective. You can use Storyline to monitor programs at the program level, individual patient evaluations, and communications.

  2. Track program progress: In this task, you'll track program progress to ensure that patients are

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