Set up waiting room payments, co-pays, and subscriptions

How to accept customized payments, co-pays, and subscriptions for your waiting rooms?
Written by Jeff Barson
Updated 4 years ago

How to accept payments, co-pays, and charge subscriptions for waiting rooms.

Storyline allows you to set and accept different customized payments for all of your waiting rooms (and programs) individually.

This means that you can combine both paid and free waiting rooms, set prices individually, and set up subscription or concierge services that run automatically.


To collect payments or subscriptions for any waiting room:

  1. Go to: Settings > Waiting rooms > Waiting Room Settings
  2. Select the Payments Tab
  3. Enable payments for this program using the toggle
  4. Set up your payment settings

You may configure your options in any way you wish, including charging a monthly subscription to access a waiting room. This may be useful if you're providing concierge services or access to a special program.

  • This will force anyone joining the room to enter payment information before they can access the room.
  • The subscriber will be notified via email whenever they make a payment and they can manage or cancel this subscription by logging in to their account.
  • Payments are only available in paid plans.
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