Testing your program

How to add yourself or someone else to your program as a test.
Written by Jeff Barson
Updated 4 years ago

In most cases - well, all cases - you're going to want to test your program by going through it or sending it to others without adding test responses to your data.

Storyline allows you to add anyone to your program without adding their data.

To test your program:

  1. Go to the program page
  2. Click "Add a person" (top right of the page)
  3. Enter the persons name and information
  4. Toggle data collection off

The person you add will be invited to your program. They will go through exactly the same experience but thier data will ot be added to your program or added to any review queue.

Note: You may want to test your program many times. You can use any Gmail account and simply add a +XXX variable, allowing you to receive the invitations over and over without triggering an error.

Example: name+001@domain.com or name+testing343@domain.com

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