How to stop a program

How to stop participating or end a program.
Written by Jeff Barson
Updated 3 years ago

You can stop any program at any time.

  1. Login to your personal Storyline account
  2. Go to: Settings > Programs
  3. Click on the three dot action menu to the right
  4. Click on "Stop Program"
  5. Confirm that you want to stop this program.

If you're considering stopping a program, please contact the program owner before proceeding.

Note: Stopping this program will end your participation from this point on, but not delete your previous contributions, responses and data.
Note: If this program is an ongoing subscription (paid), stopping the program will also stop your subscription and you will no longer be billed.

If you have questions or concerns that may be addressed, please consider contacting the program owner or us before you leave. If there’s a problem we can fix we’ll be happy to help.

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